Hi and welcome to our webpage for all things
related to Live Coding and algoraving in Denmark!
Stay updated
Sign up for our newsletter
Take part in our commuity
Join the #algoraveDK channel on TOPLAP's Discord server
or the Live Coding Denmark Facebook group
You can also send us an email: lccc(a)
We do concerts, algoraves and workshops in and around Copenhagen
Events will be posted to, and to our facebook page @LCCCopenhagen
Subscribe to updates by adding this links to your calender app:
Upcomming Events
- (no planed events at the moment)
Past Events -- some with photos
2023-12-28 Algolab Meetup: Creative Coding X Electronic Music ( | Fuck School // Love Noise @ Mayhem2023-06-05 Algolab: Creative Coding Meetup @ FUKK in Nordhavn2023-04-29 Algolab: Creative Coding Meetup with intro to Hydra2023-03-18 Algolab: Creative Coding Meetup with intro to ShaderPark2023-02-18 Algolab: Creative Coding Meetup @ Støberiet2023-01-21 Algolab Meetup: Shader Saturday @ Støberiet ( Algolab Meetup: Shader Sundays @ FUKK2022-09-18 Algolab Meetup: Shader Sundays @ FUKK2022-05-03 Live Coding Meetup: Show and Tell @ Støberiet (facebook | dukop)2022-04-05 algolab(the_art_of_live_coding) @ Støberiet // Computer Klub2021-10-02 Live Coding Visuals in Improviz - Workshop @ Processing Community Day CPH2021-07-29 algolab: Music and Live Coding @ CPH Music Maker Space (facebook)2021-07-22 OUTPUT festival № 04 at ARoS, Aarhus (facebook)2021-07-15 algolab: Visuals and Live Coding @ CPH Music Maker Space (facebook)2021-05-14 Hybrid Coding Concert by LCCC // 48 Timer Festival (facebook)2020-12-19 Livekodning koncert – LCCC live fra Demoteket (facebook)2020-10-22 Online Livekodning – workshop (facebook)2020-04-29 LCCC algolab for co-composing (facebook)2020-04-18 Weekly Live Coding Stream: Cybernated III (facebook)2020-04-04 Weekly Live Coding Concert: Cybernated II by LCCC and Demoteket (facebook)-
2020-03-22 EulerRoom Equinox 2020-03-20 Equinox Algorave2020-02-22 Bring Your Own Beamer til Blågårdens lysfest (facebook)2020-01-11 Algorave and Live Coding Workshop Weekend at KEA (meetup | facebook)
What is live coding?
Live coding is a new direction in electronic music and video art and consists of improvising music and visuals using on-the-fly programming, that is by writing and editing code in real time.
The computer screens of the performers will be projected as part of the stage setup for the audience to also enjoy the art of coding and to demystify algorithms as something that is out of our control.
Most live coding environments are free and open source, developed by the active and inclusive online community of live coders and contain examples an documentation to get you started at ease.
Also check out the TOPLAP Manifesto on Live Coding as performance
Who are we?

LiveCoders Collective Copenhagen
LCCC performances are not bound to one genre only, instead they aim at including and welcoming all influences in a democratic process where every person involved is responsible for the development of the audiovisual composition. It is more than a real-time composition, more than a performance: it is the being-now that makes the artistic product both created and lived in one single pass.
Live Coders Collective Copenhagen currently consist of the following members:
.pattern (Mattia Paterna) on TidalCycles and piano
terminal --void (Christoffer Krakou) on SonicPi and synth
_darch (Søren Peter Mørch) on Improviz and beamers
relaxnow (Mikael Galmar) on Sonic Pi, Hydra and Improviz
goto #topContact
Send us an e-mail at lccc(a)
You can also catch us by saying "Hej!" in the facebook groupe Live Coding Denmark and/or the #algoravedk channel on TOPLAP's discord - both forums welcome people form all parts of Denmark and beyound.
TOPLAP have moved their chat to Discord, where you among other things can find a channel for Improviz