// We are planning a series of algolabs, workshops and meetups, in colaboration with Copenhagen Music Maker Spacefor people to learn about the performatice practic of live coding music and visuals. Here are the first two event and we might do more.
goto #topalgolab: Intro to Visuals and Live Coding (Improviz)
Thursday July 15th 2021 -- Copenhagen Music Maker Space / Støberiet, Blågårds Plads 5, Copenhagen N (facebook)
Come by the Copenhagen Music Maker Space for our algolab and learn how to make and perform with live coding visuals in Improviz facilitated by Søren Peter (_darch)Program for the day
- Getting help installing Improviz (pre-event)
- Introduction to Live Coding and Visuals (talk)
- Time to code (hands on)
- Dinner Break
- Coding continues (hands on)
- Demo what you have learned to eveyone else (live mini performaces)
- Wrap up and good bye
To secure your spot for the workshop on visuals (Improviz) you need to send an email to sp@darch.dk
Spots are limited to 10 persons, due to COVID-restrictions.
You need a valid corona-pass to participate in the event.
goto #topalgolab: Intro to Music and Live Coding (Sonic Pi)
Thursday July 29th 2021 -- Copenhagen Music Maker Space / Støberiet, Blågårds Plads 5, Copenhagen N (facebook)
Come by the Copenhagen Music Maker Space for our algolab and learn how to make and performe with live coding music in Sonic Pi facilitated by Christoffer (Terminal --void)Program for the day:
- Getting help installing Sonic Pi (pre-event)
- Introduction to Live Coding and Sonic Pi (talk)
- Time to code (hands on)
- Dinner Break
- Coding contiues (hands on)
- Demo what you have leared to eveyone else (live mini performaces)
- Wrap up and good bye
To secure your spot for the workshop on music (Sonic Pi) you need to send an email to christoffer@krakou.dk
Spots are limited to 10 persons, due to COVID-restrictions.
You need a valid corona-pass to participate in the event.